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May 12, 2009

Nice... Finally, longer days are upon us. We have more light and warmer days to shake off the Winter blues and focus on Summer activities. Skateboarding, wakeboarding, surfing are just a few that come to mind. You just gotta love Summer time. Not that Winter is all that bad in the first place, here in sunny San Diego.


We thought we give you a peak at some of our lastest designs that our clients have sent us. Skatedeck designs, skate trucks, campaign design, and more...

Birdhouse Skateboard Graphics

Birdhouse Skateboard Graphics

News_image 000196.jpgNews_image 000197.jpgNews_image 000198.jpgNews_image 000199.jpgElement T-shirt Design

Element T-shirt Design

News_image 000201.jpgMarine Corps Recruiting Depot (MCRD) Bootcamp Challenge 2009 - Campaign Design

Marine Corps Recruiting Depot (MCRD) Bootcamp Challenge 2009 - Campaign Design

Shift Racing - Street Bike Jacket Graphics

Shift Racing - Street Bike Jacket Graphics

News_image 000204.jpgNews_image 000205.jpgNews_image 000206.jpgNews_image 000207.jpgNews_image 000208.jpgNews_image 000209.jpgTensor Trucks - Truck Graphics

Tensor Trucks - Truck Graphics

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